Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Melissa, Kimberly, Carol

Since our move, last June, I have missed my friends. So much so that it still makes my heart ache whenever I think or talk about it!

Last month, I met up with some good 'ole friends (Melissa from San Diego and Carol my roomy from Ricks) for some much needed "me" time. We decided to reunion at Womens Conference. Let me just say I LOVED it!

I felt like I was in College again...

  • We wandered around campus without worrying about the kids or appointments
  • Stayed up until the wee hours of the morning chatting, giggling, and crying
  • We ate great food
  • Went to the movies
  • Stayed in the DORMS!! (need I say more?)
  • Danced
  • Just had TONS of FUN!!
Thanks girls!! What do ya say we do it again next year!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Let's Start at the VERY Beginning...

What can I say...life has been busy!!

I can say, however, that I have deeply missed all of you blogging peeps and I am ready to give you some updates.

So, here is the first (of hopefully many more blogging updates)...
Luke graduated from Pre-School! He will officially start Kindergarten in the fall. Wow!
The whole fam was there...look at this cutie!
AND, this cutie too!!
Yay for Luke!