On, Thursday, Devon's last day of finals, I had spent the entire day rushing around cleaning the house, making beds, folding laundry, etc, etc in preparation for my parents and sister who would be arriving later that night.
The previous week I had spent laid up with the stomach flu and had been in the hospital being pumped with fluids. Needless to say, the house really needed a good cleaning!
When Devon arrived home Thursday afternoon, I was really crabby! I'd been cleaning all day and couldn't get the kids to cooperate and help me out which leaded to more frustration and crabbiness. He had been looking forward to a slightly more upbeat "welcome home, Honey, and congratulations on finishing school."
Needless to say, since I had shown rarely any elated emotion on Thursday, I felt like a complete basket case on Friday! We arrived at the Centrum to await the graduates and I couldn't hold my tears back.

All of a sudden, I couldn't believe we had made it to this point! Two years ago, we were in the process of selling our home in San Diego unsure of what the future would hold and now we were there.
I became even more emotional as I thought about how hard Devon has worked to finish school in a short amount of time. I thought about how much I have worked and worked and worked to earn money to provide for our family so he could focus on school and now he was done! A huge weight had been lifted!

We had such a great time celebrating with both of our families. My sister, Robyn, and my mom and dad came to celebrate with us as well as Devons parents (obviously, since we live with them...ha ha).

This has been an amazing journey! The support from our families has been unbelievable! Devons parents have helped us with our business, taking care of the kids, helping with school projects...it has been a group effort and we could not have done it without them! Thank you to all the family who came and has also encouraged us along the way...we love you all!