Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's Great to Be Eight!

Luke has been looking forward to his Baptism for months! It's hard to believe he is 8. I remember arriving at the hospital to deliver this sweet boy, experiencing all of the anxiety, stress, pains, and love that come with celebrating the birth of a child and, after months of anticipating his arrival, finally getting to hold and cuddle this cute little boy. He has always been sweet and kind. It has been amazing to watch him grow, watch the things he is interested in, and see him develop into the cute little boy that he is. Now he is 8 and I can't believe how quickly time has flown by.
Luke said he wanted a suit when he turned 8...he wanted to go to church dressed like his Dad on Sunday. So, Nanu and Grandpa took him shopping for a suit and, boy, did he look handsome! The Bishop kept referring to him as a missionary because he looked as such.
That morning, I was a bit frazzled as I arrived to the church. Every one had gone ahead and I entered the chapel just as it was time to start the meeting. As soon as I sat down, I could feel the spirit. It was as if we were in the Temple and the spirit testified to me of the importance of that day for Luke and, once again, testified to me of its truthfulness. When it was Luke's turn to enter the font, you could see how proud he was of his decision to be baptized and how happy he felt. When he came up from the water, he kept his eyes closed and wouldn't open them to look at anyone or anything. Later on he told me the water made his eyes sting. However, he was happy the water was warm and he said it "felt like he was in a hot tub."
It was so great to have sets of Grandparents, as well as, Luke's Great Grandparents (from my mom's side) in attendance. Our parents always make it a priority to be at these special functions and we feel extremely blessed.
These are all of the priesthood holders who participated in Luke's confirmation that day...Devon, Grandpa Roush, Grandpa DowDell, Grandpa Johnson, Grandpa Hand, and Bishop Larsen.
We have such a wonderful family and we are so blessed to have so many terrific role models/relatives for our children to look up to.


Diane said...

What a fun weekend! It's never long enough. So glad you are back to blogging. Maybe my "blog block" will come to an end too. You've inspired me! Love you!

Sarah said...

I'm so glad you are back too! I thought of you on March 21st and sweet Jack! Hope you keep blogging :)

Lisa said...

Wow! I can't believe he's 8 years old already! He's so handsome in his suit. You are beautiful as always. I can't believe how big your kids are getting!!! P.S. Sarah got engaged last night to Molly Sanchez's little brother!!!

Annakaisa said...

Congratulations Luke!
And you look beautiful Kimberly!

Kelly and Megan said...

What a cute family you have! Congrats to Luke! Loved reading your update!

SuburbiaMom said...

Wonderful! What a blessed event. He does look like a missionary. You can get him a future missionary or missionary in training tag from Deseret book :).

Unknown said...

I'm so sad we missed it, but so proud of Luke! Love you!!!!!!!!

Michael said...

I wish we could have been there, too! I can't believe how grown up Luke looks in that suit.

Melissa said...

Darling! He looks dashing in his suit and so grown up. It's Nicky's turn next year. Time sure does fly. We will be in Utah the end of May. I hope you guys will be around even just to meet up at a park or go out for pizza. I miss you guys.