Sunday, March 29, 2009

Loose Tooth and a Big Disappointment

A few days ago, Taylor told me she wished her tooth would fall out on its own. This is because she absolutely HATES it when I pull her teeth.

{{I don't know how I became the designated tooth puller, but I did.}}

On Friday, her wish came true!! She was entertaining her brothers and kept telling Blake to "bump" into her. Whatever the game was, it was fun...until she came crying to me that Blake bumped her in the face.

At that moment, she screamed and realized her tooth had fallen out! She was absolutely hysterical, at first, mostly in shock that her tooth was gone, but also because it was on the floor and she couldn't find it.

Well, the tooth was found, the tooth fairy came (a day late because he/she was so tired the night before that he/she forgot about the fairy thing), and Taylor was a happy girl!
Also, on Friday was my (I mean, Taylor's) Science Fair. We spent all Thursday night constructing her display board...which she took very seriously and turned out very nice!

All of a sudden, I've become my mother. I don't know how it happened, but now I'm the one responsible for creating and doing these things and it's just kind of weird...

Anyway, I was having a "Bad Mom Day" and totally missed the handing out of the awards ceremony thingy at the end of the Science Fair. I arrived right at the end.

My intent was to take pictures of Taylor standing beside her board and somehow I missed the event entirely. I arrived just as they were cleaning up.

When Taylor spotted me she totally looked at me and made a HUGE "Huffy" breath at me and said, "Moooommm!!"

First she was mad because I wasn't there for the awards ceremony.

Second, she was mad because she didn't win the Science Fair.

Third, she was mad because she thought the reason she didn't win the Science Fair is because I picked out the project/experiment.

Fourth, she was mad because she told me I never let her do anything that allows her to win medals.

{{This is where I stopped the conversation}}

Me: "What do you mean I don't ever allow you to do anything to win medals? This is the only thing you've ever done that you could win a medal for."

Taylor: (With a HUGE Huffy Breath again) "Yeah, well, you're the one who picked the project."

Me: "Well, there's always next year!"

I had no idea the Science Fair and winning a medal meant that much to her. Now I know how to negotiate getting chores done...tempt her with a medal?!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring Break

Devon was off school last week and we decided, last minute, to go to the OC for Spring Break. It has been months since we have been alone, as our own little family, and it was really fun for us to get away and be together!

Luke kept saying "This is the BEST vacation EVER, Daddy!"

He was right! Some of the things that made it the BEST vacation EVER were...

  • Flip Flops, short-sleeves, and shorts
  • Disneyland for FREE (yes, my friends it is good to have connections!)
  • Great Mexican Food!!
  • Bagels and the Beach
  • Rosy sun-kissed cheeks and chests (actually, I look like a Lobster, but love it!)
  • All of us sleeping in the same room together
  • Finding out my brother, Michael, is ENGAGED...woo-hoo!
  • Kids jumping off of Hotel beds onto mattresses on the floor
  • Sand in the bottom of the tub that I don't have to clean
  • Sand in our toes
  • The smell of sunscreen
  • Playing in the tide pools
  • Meeting up with a few old friends (sorry to those we missed, we couldn't see everyone!)
  • Just being's the best place to be!
We were sad to leave, had a great time, and miss the thick, humid, ocean air, but hopefully it won't be too long until we can go back again soon! When I find my camera...I'll post pictures!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Happy Birthday, Michael!

When Michael was born, I was so excited to have a new baby brother. I can still remember going to school the day after he was born and bragging to my teacher and feeling so proud to be a "Big" sister again!

Of course, being 8 years younger, he had many opportunities to annoy and embarrass me. Especially during the teenage years. For example, popping a pop rock in Devon's ear, telling me I had bad breath while on a date with me, spying on me with his friends (again while on a date), making me and my boyfriend attend his dead turtles funeral, and so on...

However, he also has a very sweet side. He would always tell me how beautiful I am. Or, how much he loved the way I sang. He's always been very complimentary and dependable. He's gone out of his way, many times, to visit me when I've lived far away. We've shared many good, fun, and long conversations together on the phone and while running. He is thoughtful and kind and true!

Although he is almost 8 years younger than me, we are the best of friends!

Michael, Happy Birthday! We hope it's great! Love ya!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kindergarten Moments

Yesterday, as I was greeting all of my cute Kindergartners for PE, one little girl came up and gave me a HUGE hug and afterward said:

(as she stared at my neck) "What's that?"

I was wearing my whistle and assumed she was talking about the string attached to it that I was wearing around my neck. So, I said:

"Oh, that's the string for my whistle."

She continued to look insistently at my neck and pointed and said, "No, what's that???!!!"

I turned and looked where her finger was pointing.

She was pointing to the huge mole that I have on the back of my neck.

I said to her, "Oh, that's just my mole."

She said, "Well, why don't you just POP it or something!"


Kindergartners definitely aren't afraid to tell you how it is...

I think it's time to have my mole removed!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Daddy-o!!

53 Years ago, this handsome man was born!

There are a lot of reasons why I think my dad is the greatest, but here are just a few...
  • He loves my mom
  • I am his FAVORITE child (Robyn and Michael there is no arguing about this...we know all know it's true)
  • He loves to share funny stories
  • He always drives fast!
  • He loves the Gospel
  • He serves others with compassion, kindness, and love
  • He loves to tease...oh, he is such a tease!
  • He plays with and adores his grandchildren
  • He always wears shoes...even indoors...this sometimes drives my mom crazy, but he can't stand not having shoes on.
  • He would always listen to Gloria Estefan, when we were kids, and sing along.
  • He's really great at giving lectures
  • He has an incredible smile
  • He is generous
  • He would do anything for his family
  • He gets emotional whenever all of the family is together or when his kids sing
  • He loves to shop at Nordstrom
  • He is the BEST!
Happy, Happy Birthday Dad! We love you, we miss you, and hope your day is great!!

Friday, March 6, 2009


Sometimes I wish I could put this little boy in a bottle and keep him this way forever. He is all personality and fun. Even though he is getting closer and closer to turning 3, he is my baby and he knows it too!

He will be turning 3 in June and slowly, but surely, the baby is disappearing and the boy he is becoming is more certain every day.

I have been holding onto his long baby locks for 2 years now. I loved the way his hair sweeped down against his face, but recently his hair was looking too much "business in the front, party in the back."

So...I gritted my teeth and cut his hair. He looks so much more grown up...I don't know if I can stand it! But, I guess in someway, he will always be my baby.
Look at this cute guy! Isn't he handsome!
He is such a sweet boy too!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Luke turns 5!

Dear Luke,

It's hard to believe that 5 years ago you arrived into this world! You were a beautiful, perfect, and happy baby. You turned heads everywhere you went with your bleach blond hair and bright blue eyes. As soon as you learned how to walk, you were unstoppable! You've been on-the-go ever since. You amaze us everyday with your talents and love. A day doesn't go by when you don't say "I Love You" and we love you too! We love to watch you learn and grow. We love to watch you build Legos, dance, sing along with your favorite songs (especially HSM3) ,and are constantly amazed at how well you use your imagination to create such amazing things. Your brother and sister are your best friends and you include them in everything you do. This world just wouldn't be the same without you. You are such a joy to be around and we love you so much! Happy 5th Birthday Buddy!


Mom and Dad

Yesterday was Luke's 5th Birthday. How is 5 years has gone by so fast? He decided he wanted a Star Wars Birthday, here is my version of an R2D2 cake. It only took me 6 hours to make from start to finish, but I think it turned out really cute and Luke loved it!
Luke had a great day! And, here are the pictures below to prove it!

Mom and Luke

Luke, Mom, and Dad

The amazing 5-year old himself!
Luke called Michael Friday morning and asked him if he would come to his birthday party on "Sunday at Evening." So, Ann and Michael joined us for the party. What an awesome Uncle! He drove 3 hours just to wish his nephew Happy Birthday...thanks guys!

Luke blowing out candles.

Grandma, Luke, and Grandpa.

A few relatives who joined the celebration.

Opening presents. A new set of Legos, clothes, new personalized bedding, a BYU baseball shirt, ball, and bat, and a remote control Helicopter. I don't think he could have had it any better.

Happy Birthday Luke, we love you!