{{I don't know how I became the designated tooth puller, but I did.}}
On Friday, her wish came true!! She was entertaining her brothers and kept telling Blake to "bump" into her. Whatever the game was, it was fun...until she came crying to me that Blake bumped her in the face.
At that moment, she screamed and realized her tooth had fallen out! She was absolutely hysterical, at first, mostly in shock that her tooth was gone, but also because it was on the floor and she couldn't find it.
Well, the tooth was found, the tooth fairy came (a day late because he/she was so tired the night before that he/she forgot about the fairy thing), and Taylor was a happy girl!

All of a sudden, I've become my mother. I don't know how it happened, but now I'm the one responsible for creating and doing these things and it's just kind of weird...
Anyway, I was having a "Bad Mom Day" and totally missed the handing out of the awards ceremony thingy at the end of the Science Fair. I arrived right at the end.
My intent was to take pictures of Taylor standing beside her board and somehow I missed the event entirely. I arrived just as they were cleaning up.
When Taylor spotted me she totally looked at me and made a HUGE "Huffy" breath at me and said, "Moooommm!!"
First she was mad because I wasn't there for the awards ceremony.
Second, she was mad because she didn't win the Science Fair.
Third, she was mad because she thought the reason she didn't win the Science Fair is because I picked out the project/experiment.
Fourth, she was mad because she told me I never let her do anything that allows her to win medals.
{{This is where I stopped the conversation}}
Me: "What do you mean I don't ever allow you to do anything to win medals? This is the only thing you've ever done that you could win a medal for."
Taylor: (With a HUGE Huffy Breath again) "Yeah, well, you're the one who picked the project."
Me: "Well, there's always next year!"
I had no idea the Science Fair and winning a medal meant that much to her. Now I know how to negotiate getting chores done...tempt her with a medal?!